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Lambre no14

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586,96 грн
293,48 грн

Perfume Lambre no14 - set up to perfectly refined, elegant and charmingly playful ladies. The owner is inclined to take risks and experiment with their own style and life, the thrill - this is what she seeks. Charming fragrance Lambre no14 is suitable for any occasion. The loop can hear the sweet taste of caramel and vanilla, which is not intrusive, but obviously attracts and drags.

One of the youngest and has acquired the popular perfumes. For lovers of true sweetness of caramel, toffee, chocolate, especially milk and vanilla. Despite the sweetness of the music, the aroma is not cloying and not sharp, not intrusive. There is, according to those who like perfume data, a clear predominance of caramel notes. On resistance is average and shleyfnost not pronounced. Suitable for a cold period, day or night are equally good for him. Eau either like or you do not - you decide - if you have a sweet tooth?!!

  • Feature: floral-oriental, oriental.
  • Start: orange, bergamot, lime, caramel.
  • Heart: iris, jasmine, strawberry.
  • The final sound: cedar, vanilla, musk, sandal.


Лариса 's picture

Дуже солодкий запах,мені не сподобалося.

Анастасія's picture

Аромат для любителів, мені не сподобався , ось #1 та #3 мої улюблені

Критикеса's picture

Очень простой. Запах шоколада. Шлейфа нет. Стойкость средняя. Просто приятно вкусный.

Гость's picture

Аромат вкусно пахнет карамелью, но не шлефный и стойкость слабоват...только на лето..хотя он сладкий.

Мышка's picture

Поистине РОСКОШЕН старый Ламбре номер 14 - Dior Pure Poison!!! Страсть и мистика во флаконе!!! От него трепещет сердце и отключается мозг....