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Saint Tropez Women Lambre

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Eau de parfum Saint tropez women - another novelty of the exclusive collection of Lambre. Freshness, brightness, extraordinary... The fragrance opens in her something that makes others take notice. Saint tropez women - scent that smells waiting... waiting for the long-awaited meeting with love. The perfume disclosed girlish charm and spontaneity. Confidence and charm of women holders of delights, it will make any man believe in love at first sight.
The smell is particularly vivid in the warm months, and leisurely disclosure during the day makes it sound differently in the morning and evening hours. You can hear the perfect combination of fruit, sweet mango and sandalwood.

  • Top notes: peach, grapefruit, mango.
  • Heart: coconut, raspberry.
  • The final sound: milk, sandalwood and musk.

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