Cellulite - a change in the subcutaneous fat layer structure, which lead to violations of mikrotsirkulyatsionnyh processes. Put simply, the cellulite is a stagnation in the subcutaneous adipose tissue, which can lead to its degeneration. However, you can fight it!
Anticellulite means TM Lambre - a mandatory set of drugs to effectively combat cellulite
Despite the effectiveness of such products, today there is no single method of getting rid of cellulite deposits. This assumes a comprehensive treatment that includes:
- Anticellulite diet - is the first thing you need to do! The main rule here is total rejection of the use of salt, fat, and baked sweets. In return must give preference to fresh fruits and vegetables.
- The use of anti-cellulite creams and caring means for peeling from TM Lambre. It is necessary for high-quality cleaning of the surface layer of the skin, its strengthening, nutrition and protection.
- Physical exercise. To stimulate blood flow is useful to get a treadmill, exercise bike, or even an ordinary rope.
- Anticellulite massage of problem areas. Making it is necessary for up to 15 minutes, 2 times daily. As adjuvants appropriate to be used cellulite cream TM Lambre, essential oils or other products.
- Water treatments. Especially important here swimming, water aerobics and others. Regular exercise will give your body shape smoothness!
- Dietary Supplements. In addition to the ordinary diet, you need to supply your body with a full complex of vitamins.
Especially valuable this approach is that it does not only contribute to the destruction of the manifestations of cellulite, but also to prevent the emergence of new deposits!
Anticellulite SPA Line and Slim Body Expert - a series of anticellulite TM Lambre, facilitate effective removal of cellulite deposits
All products of the French brand - a versatile tool for an effective fight against cellulite! However, in order to convince yourself of the importance of each of them, the more necessary to examine the series.
Amber extract in cosmetics TM Lambre series «Anticellulite SPA Line» - cellulite is the lack of smoothness and elasticity of your skin!
- Amber gel peeling - amber gel peels. By Amber powder in the active part of guaranteed tissue oxygen saturation, as well as improvement of microcirculation, which in addition to anti-cellulite effect promotes a healthy skin appearance mind.
- Amber body butter - oil with modeling effect. Thanks to the entry of the amber extract oil (macronutrients, succinic acid and salts) are able to maintain skin tone and elasticity of the skin, improve processes and resume mikrotsirkulyatsionnye regenerative capacity of tissues.
Assai berries as part of anticellulite Slim Body Expert from TM Lambre - effective assistant in losing weight issue!
- Acai berry plus - dietary supplement. By berries assai is possible to reduce the appetite and strengthen muscle tissue. Complete the anticellulite effect, other than berries ACCA produces cellulose, caffeine, zinc, and chromium!
- Advanced body peeling - a means for peeling treatments. The product is built on components such as cranberry and grapefruit seed, almond and grape seed oil, helps cleanse the epidermis, and weight loss.
- Active Body Serum - serum TM Lambre, having the effect of modeling! Anticellulite and fat burning effect except berries assai have these ingredients in the active part of a serum Actiporine 8G, Anticellulite complex forte SB and Slimastevia.
A series of anticellulite products Slim Body Expert with berries assai you can also buy a set with a view to comprehensive care and save!
The extract of green coffee anticellulite TM Lambre products - it is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect for your skin!
- Exfoliation body peeling - peeling Lambre. As part of the green coffee product is aimed at reducing irritation, peeling and skin rejuvenation.
- Model body balm - anti-cellulite balm for body modeling. Green coffee is in addition to effectively combat cellulite helps to speed up metabolism, improve heart and blood vessels.
In summary, it should be noted that in order to effectively combat cellulite is important to:
- The use of anticellulite.
- The application of moisturizing, nourishing and caring cosmetic products.
- Regularly exposing the body to physical stress.
- Observe individually composed diet.
- Do anticellulite massage of problem areas (recommended while taking a shower).
More details about the composition of the catalog of anticellulite TM Lambre or in respect of use of the products, you can consult by telephone with managers online store: 063-0573477, 050-0221169 or 096-7684542.