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Lipstick Lambre (rod)

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Губная помада "Exclusive Colour"

Губная помада Ламбре "Exclusive Colour" №102 (манговый восторг полумат)
Губная помада Ламбре "Exclusive Colour" №102 (манговый восторг полумат)
203,28 грн
121,88 грн
Губная помада Ламбре "Exclusive Colour" №110 (королевский красный полумат)
Губная помада Ламбре "Exclusive Colour" №110 (королевский красный полумат)
117,04 грн
99,44 грн

Lipstick Lambre in the rod:

  • Exclusive Colour Lambre (4,5 g)

Lipstick Lambre simultaneously performs the function of makeup and lip care. Anti-aging, moisturizing and accelerates regeneration. Vitamin composition and body oil protects from sunlight. It has a soft texture. Well preserved on the lips, does not spread, and not slipping.

Collection «Exclusive Colour» - this lipstick Lambre in the rod. Compiled from a palette of 18 shades of colors, including different textures (matte, pearl, shimmering particles).

Features lipstick «Exclusive Colour» in the rod:

  • The larger the pearl and shimmering particles, the texture will be applied to the land and it will be a thin transparent layer. Matt and semi-matt more fatty and soft, give a juicy lip colors and paint over the entire depth.
  • Lipstick Lambre series «Exclusive Colour» enriched with vitamins and oil composition and the function of lip care and protects them dryness and exposure to sunlight.
  • Application soft. Long retains color. It does not spread without slipping.

Lipsticks of the "Exclusive Color" series except pearl and semi-matt shades are also 6 unique matte colors that will create an ideally soft covering of the lip surface, while providing a deep and rich tone without gloss.

Advantages of matte lipsticks "Exclusive Color" are:

  • The intensity of color from one stroke,
  • Firmness on lips,
  • Does not spread out from a dense consistency,
  • Softens the lips thanks to the enriched composition (natural waxes, oils, vitamins),
  • Protects from environmental influences.

Recommendations for applying lipstick:

For better preservation of lipstick on her lips and a reflection of its actual color is necessary to put its special brush for make-up of lips on a pre-coated tonal foundation lips. To simulate the shape of the lips and give them a clearer path is advisable to use lip liner. The sequence is as follows: tonal basis, contour pencil, the first layer of lipstick, removing excess tissue, applying a powder, a second coat of lipstick. Pressed Powder provides a long-term preservation of makeup.
While color choice should be guided by many factors, including skin tone and hair, time of day, purpose, value of lips, age, color and style of clothing and others.

The choice of color lipstick Lambre collection «Exclusive Colour».

Губная помада Lambre (стержень)
Губная помада Lambre (стержень)
Губная помада Lambre (стержень)
Губная помада Lambre (стержень)
Губная помада Lambre (стержень)
Губная помада Lambre (стержень)
Губная помада Lambre (стержень)

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