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TTO Tea Tree Oil

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TTO Tea Tree Oil is produced from the Australian tea tree myrtle family. Motherland which Malaysia and Australia. It is scientifically proven that the antiseptic effect of tea tree oil to 8 times stronger than carbolic acid and almost 5 times stronger than alcohol. Tea tree oil is widely used in lesions of the skin and mucous membranes of bacterial and fungal pathogens. Distributed mass application in the cosmetic industry, especially as an antiseptic additive in cream or even in a pure form. Tea tree oil is very popular thanks to the 100% natural composition and antibacterial properties of antibiotics level. Tea tree oil is depressing on staphylococci, streptococci, pneumococci, gonococci, escherichia coli and a wide range of fungal flora. A significant advantage of tea tree oil is the lack of side effects. It does not cause skin dryness, flaking and itching. The oil is non-toxic and has a pleasant smell.

Indications for use of tea tree oil: infectious skin diseases.

Application of tea tree oil:

  • Hair Cleansing pollution and dandruff - added to the shampoo and conditioner. Thus, also wound dry hair.
  • Cleansing the skin - tea tree oil added to the lotion, tonic, cream provides a deep and stable pore cleansing.
  • Pain in the ear - warmed olive oil with tea tree oil is buried in the ear.
  • Colds - used for inhalation, steam baths, rubbing, rinsing lotions and compresses.
  • Acne (acne) - Local gadgets and applications.
  • Oral disease (bleeding gums, tooth decay) - rinse.
  • Burns, cuts and abrasions, insect bites - topical application of tea tree oil on the injured area.
  • Skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema, warts, blisters and calluses) - topical application in conjunction with other cosmetic oils, including olive. Mixing oils is to increase the amount of oil. Water bath.
  • Rheumatism, sports injuries and sprains - cosmetic or warmed olive oil with the addition of tea tree oil is used for massaging to the painful area.
  • Personal Hygiene - boiling water mixed with drops of tea tree oil, the mixture is cooled and then used for irrigation and morning-evening dress. Applied after shaving in the bikini area in admixture with any make-up oil. Removes irritation, redness and swelling.
  • The use in the home - for disinfection of household items in the room. It can be added to the cleaning solutions in cleaning, especially toilets and detergent during the wash cycle. Used for humidifying the air in special devices for deodorizing premises - eliminating unpleasant odors.

IMPORTANT! Precautionary measures. Avoid contact with mucous eye. Store in a cool place inaccessible to children, do not store in plastic containers.

IMPORTANT! Contraindications. Individual intolerance of tea tree oil. Due to the fact that tea tree oil is a 100% natural product active actions require an allergy test.

Volume: 15 ml.

Масло чайного дерева - TTO Tea Tree Oil


Type of Cream: 
For Face
Тип кожи: 
Жирная, Комбинированная, Проблемная
Series of Creams: 
TTO Line
Возраст (диапазон): 
Up to 30 years, From 30 to 45 years
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*****Я чайным деревом пользуюсь  с 2004 года

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Подтверждаю это косметическое масло. Добавляю каплю в ночной крем с гиалуроновой кислотой. На ладошке смешиваю. Кожа чистая и ухоженная всегда на утро. Утром итднем использую гель для умывания тто.